Where to Learn Spanish in Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen has increasingly become a haven for retirees and expats. With such a large community of foreigners living in the city, it comes as no surprise to know that many of the local people speak great English. However, for those living here – whether it’s part time or full time – it makes sense to get in on learning the language of the country, as well. The great thing about learning Spanish is being able to communicate with locals on yet another level. Spanish is such a fun and versatile language which can open up great opportunities for your future. Just as there are many teachers out there spreading their knowledge in English, many are sticking to their roots and teaching Spanish to foreigners. Here are the best places to learn Spanish in Playa del Carmen.

Learn Spanish with Don Quijote

Learning Spanish

Don Quijote is an informative language school in Playa del Carmen that offers many different lessons. They offer Intensive 15, Intensive 20, Intensive 25 and Super Intensive 30. Each number represents the number of classes you can take per week. They also offer summer camps, Christmas programs, group classes and much more. You can learn Spanish, and more about the school here.

Taan Spanish School Playa del Carmen

Taan is the Mayan word for speak. This Spanish school is run by local Mexican teachers in Playa del Carmen. They offer classes for all levels and are the only 100% Mexican school in the city. Their classes kick off every Monday, which makes it rather flexible for accommodating your schedule. Taan Spanish offers a fun approach, stepping away from the classroom setting. They teach in different places around Playa del Carmen as a way to also get to know the city. By switching up the scenery, they believe their students will learn Spanish better.

Apple Language Courses

Apple Language Courses is a language school that consists of 10 open-air classrooms. They allow a maximum of seven people per class for a more hands-on training and one-on-one lessons. You can choose to have 15, 20 or 25 lessons per week. The neat thing about Apple Language Courses is the ability to add a salsa or cooking class to your Spanish course for free! This will allow you to benefit from learning Spanish and thinking outside the box.

International House Riviera Maya

International House Riviera Maya perhaps is the most well-known Spanish school (besides Berlitz). They have schools in most major cities in the world and teach a wide range of languages. The courses spread from beginner classes to Business and Medical Spanish classes. They are very flexible in schedule and are even available online. This will allow you to refresh your Spanish before you arrive or after you leave Playa del Carmen.

Regardless of which institution you decide to invest in, you should definitely learn Spanish. Although many people speak English in the region, being able to communicate in the native language will take you a long way when traveling, meeting locals, making friends and even getting discounts. Besides, speaking a new language can never hurt anyone!

Basic Spanish Sentences to Learn for Fun

The Riviera Maya is a great place to retire. It has great weather all year round and also there’s a lot of English speaking people both expats and locals. As a result, it’s easy to go on your daily activities, even if you don’t speak Spanish.

But it’s always a good idea to have some basics of the local language. It’s useful to have at least a few spanish sentences to ask or answer common questions. Also, local people actually appreciate when you do an effort to communicate in Spanish.

Here we have included some basic spanish sentences to practice for fun!

See if you can pick up on it. They will make your life in Mexico a lot easier!

Buenos días – Good morning

Buenas tardes – Good afternoon

Buenas noches – Good evening

¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?

Me llamo… – My name is…

¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

Estoy bien, ¡gracias! – I am fine, thanks!

¿Y tú? – And you?

Muy bien – Very good

¿Qué haces? – What are you doing?

Thank you – Gracias

Muchas gracias – Thank you very much

De nada – You’re welcome

Perdone – Excuse me

Disculpe – Sorry

¿Puede ayudarme? – Can you help me?

No entiendo – I don’t understand

No hablo español – I don’t speak Spanish

Estoy perdido – I am lost

¿Dónde vives? – Where do you live?

¿Qué edad tienes? – How old are you?

¿Qué hora tienes? – What time is it?

¿Cuánto cuesta eso? – How much is that?

¿Qué es esto? What is this?

¿Dónde está el baño? – Where is the bathroom?

¡Bienvenidos! – Welcome!

¡Feliz cumpleaños! – Happy Birthday!

¡Muy bien! – Well done!

¡Cuídate! – Take care!

¡Diviértete! – Have fun!

¡Buen provecho! – Bon appetite!

¡Nos vemos! – See you!

¡Hasta pronto! – See you soon!

¡Hasta mañana! – See you tomorrow!

¡Hasta luego! – See you later!

Spanish sentences

Practice these spanish sentences and soon you’ll be using them confidently.

It is important pronouncing the words correctly, so people can understand what you are saying. Some words sound the same but mean completely different things, so pronunciation is very important in the Spanish language! Just remember to have fun. You will not be fluent in one day, so don’t give up. Learning something new takes time and practice.

Also, there are many applications you can use to become fluent in Spanish, like “Duolingo”, an app that you can download on your cell phone to practice basic words and phrases every day. This app also has different levels that you have to pass before you move on, making the learning process a bit more challenging.

Are you ready to start? ¡Qué bueno!