Thomas L. Lloyd,  Broker By Thomas L. Lloyd

Recently, we interviewed Tom & Rita Jackson about their recent experience buying Mexico real estate in Playa del Carmen – specifically how it helped them to use the e-book, Mexico Real Estate Guide: Buying Safely.  10 of Mexico’s leading real estate experts collaborated to prepare this e-book, specifically with the goal in mind of presenting clear, easy-to-read information about all the basics of buying safely for the new buyer.

But enough about what I say; let’s hear what Tom and Rita have to say:

Some of the main points of what they say include:

  • It provided plenty of “additional information.”
  • “It answered our question before we came down.”
  • “It was extremely useful to us and for everyone.”
  • “It takes you through all the steps.”
  • “We absolutely would recommend the e-book to anyone buying any kind of property.”
  • “Buying property in Mexico is somewhat different than buying property in the United states.”

What Tom and Rita say gives a very clear picture of the importance of this kind of information; buying in Mexico is different.  Reading this e-book both educates you on the differences and prepares you on how to deal with them.  For example, did you know:

There is a “restricted zone” along Mexico’s coast?  There is a special vehicle for complete and safe ownership of properties in this area.

Mexico does not require real estate licences?  Yet licences, courses, certification and professional associations are available.  It’s important to consider this when you choose your agent.

If you are new to buying in Mexico, you may also wish to consider other Mexico real estate resources, such as articles, top deals, and e-mail notifications.

The main point is that when you buy in Mexico, make sure you do it the smart way; inform yourself and work with the pros!; Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely

Mexico Real Estate NETWORK; "Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely!"


Region: Campeche Real Estate. Thomas Lloyd graduated from Purdue University Krannert School of Management with a degree in Management/Financial Option Investments. He has been living, investing, and working professionally in Mexico for over 15 years. A Mexican Certified Realtor he is the current president of TOPmexicorealestate, you can contact him at (512) 879-6546.

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