Yucatan Coast, Progreso, Mexico - MLS: 35142
$32,316 USD - 656,220 MXN
The price is set in pesos. Final price in USD may vary due to exchange rates.
Yucatan Coast, , Mexico
MLS: PRO-SFL0-35142
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The development has a wide variety of amenities, including walking paths, a pool, a sunbathing area, a children's play area, pavilions, and much more. These amenities are designed for you and your family to enjoy the outdoors without having to leave the complex.
This is the ideal place for those seeking a peaceful life close to the beautiful beaches of the Mexican Caribbean. This development is located just 5 minutes away from the beaches of Progreso, a coastal town with a great variety of restaurants, bars, and shops, as well as a spectacular beach. But that's not all this development has to offer. As potential Canadian or American buyers, we know that the cost of living is an important factor to consider. In the Yucatan Caribbean, the cost of living is quite low, which means your money can go much further than in other places. Additionally, the culture of this region is rich and varied, with a unique blend of Mayan and Spanish traditions. The food is delicious, with a wide variety of flavors and typical dishes. For more information, don't hesitate to contact one of our agents at Top Mexico Real Estate.
singlefam lot $27,049 USD
singlefam lot $29,987 USD
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condo $24,542 USD
condo $25,367 USD
singlefam lot $26,110 USD
singlefam lot $27,756 USD
singlefam lot $28,809 USD
singlefam lot $30,135 USD
The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.
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