On December 5th, 2014, the Deputies Chamber voted to add a fourth time zone to the country – Southeast Zone –, which would apply specifically to certain municipalities of Quintana Roo. While a date had not been set when the announcement was made, and with rumors stating that the time change would occur in April, the government has now publically stated that the new time zone will become effective on the 1st of February, 2015 at 2.00am.
That’s right, on the very first day of February you need to change your clock and move it ahead one hour, as to officially move into the summer time zone and Quintana Roo will stay on the same time zone year-round. The state will be an hour ahead of Mexico City, central time, during winter.
The new time zone is supposed to bring great benefits to the state of Quintana Roo such as saving energy (an estimated 128 million USD will be saved), becoming more competitive against Caribbean Islands that function on this time zone, greater airport connectivity to the United States and Canada, and an increase in tourism during the winter months, as well as a lower percentage of personnel cutouts during the low season.
Adding an hour of sun to the winter days will boost the tourism economy income of the area. But the tourism sector will not be the only one going through changes thanks to the new time zone; school schedules will be modified and children will start school at 7:30am for the morning shift and 1:30pm for the afternoon shift (except in Cozumel, where they will start at 8am). Reportedly, this change will allow for parents to drop off their children before starting their work activities at 8am. This new schedule is specifically for elementary school children, as preschoolers, middle school and high school students remain in their usual schedule.
Don’t forget to change your clock on February 1st, 2015!
Now, if you have any questions about the new time zone change or any of the TOP MEXICO REAL ESTATE properties we have listed anywhere throughout Mexico, please feel free to contact any of our Top Mexico Buyer’s Representatives and we will be glad to answer any of your questions and help you find your very own piece of paradise.
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