How Old Do You Have to Be to Retire … in Mexico?

How old do you have to be to retire? How old do you have to be to retire in Mexico?


They are two distinct questions, and have two distinct answers.


We all know that in the U.S. and Canada retirement age is on the rise – often due to financial constraints.


In Mexico, there are several factors to consider:


  • The cost of living is lower, which makes it easier to retire sooner.
  • It’s easy to start your dream business; it costs less and there are fewer hurdles. Mexican bureaucracy can be a marathon, but outside of the government offices you’ll find that it’s easier to get things going. Most people running their business in Mexico just keep doing it – even if they’re financially ready; they just like it so much.
  • It’s easier to be healthy making it easier to choose to keep working or to have an active retirement otherwise.  Warm weather, good and affordable healthcare and easy access to fresh, healthy food have many advantages.


When it comes right down to it, you might not think of it in the same way as you do there.  You may just enjoy life here so much, that the distinction between work and retirement blurs and even disappears!


-by Thomas Lloyd


Mexico Health Care Kit