West Central, Playa del Carmen, Mexico - MLS: 18452
$80,326 USD - 1,657,100 MXN
The price is set in pesos. Final price in USD may vary due to exchange rates.
West Central, , Mexico
MLS: PDC-CM-18452
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Be part of the city's first major work enviromen. A new working class culture designed for greater efficiency, profitability and projection. In HUMANA WORKCENTER, optimal spaces are offered in order to satisfy their labor nature of all individuals. Humana Workcenter is located within the axis services, new urban center designated by Playa del Carmen. Developed to house commerces, offices and many uses that will supply the city. The area is equipped with public transport and excellent connectivity. 1. Walmart 2. City Theater 3. Cultural Center 4. City Hall 5. Planetarium 6. Las Americas plaza 7. Sears Learn about the common spaces that Humana Workcenter offers to strengthen the relationships among its users.
The West Center area of Playa del Carmen is a very dynamic part or town. Crossed by two main roads, it's easy to move around and get anywhere. This area is favored by mexican families and is plentiful of choices for dining and entertainment. There are supermarkets, schools and a myriad of small local businesses offering everything you could possibly need. This part of town is where the the general hospital is located, and many different family developments are popping up everywhere. There's also a big and very popular shopping center with a supermarket, a department store and a movie theater. Also in this part of town is the Cultural Center or Playa del Carmen, a place where you can sign up for art classes, music, among other activities and which is also a seed-bed for young musicians and dancers. This is the closest area to what is known as the new center of Playa, a project which will bring here the City Hall and many public offices, buildings that are already under construction, so it will be a hub for everything related to the municipality. As part of this project a new theater was built and is already in operation, becoming a very important cultural landmark for Playa del Carmen, hosting theater and dance festivals, musical events, and most recently as a venue for the Riviera Maya Film Festival. This building, and the whole nuevo centro de Playa, is starting to bring a lot of action and changes to this part of town, becoming more popular among locals and expats, and which surely will bring a surplus value to the properties located around.
Max:$ 151,388 USD
Average:$ 112,153 USD
Min:$ 35,797 USD
Max:1334.51 Sqft
Average:860.99 Sqft
Min:588.25 Sqft
Max:$ 165 USD
Average:$ 115 USD
Min:$ 99 USD
Max:$ 4,100,000 USD
Average:$ 390,019 USD
Max:13153.49 Sqft
Average:1522.25 Sqft
Min:262.75 Sqft
Max:$ 826 USD
Average:$ 247 USD
Min:$ 22 USD
singlefam lot $76,391 USD
singlefam lot $79,943 USD
commercial $80,326 USD
condo $80,337 USD
condo $83,632 USD
condo $84,829 USD
condo $86,041 USD
singlefam lot $86,046 USD
The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.
The prices, logos, designs, texts, images, name designations, are the responsibility of the seller. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
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