We're sorry! There are no available properties in this area by the moment. We are working hard to find new land, homes and condos for sale in this area.
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Puerto Penasco land for sale can be found in a variety of excellent locations. Whether a buyer looking for the ideal piece of land to have your custom dream home built, or an investor, looking for a place that shows great potential return, this area will have something for you.
Puerto Penasco lots for sale in the city average 65 x 132 feet (8600 sq. ft). Lots in the residential developments run larger. Although some homes are inexpensive, due to the slow down good contractors are available.
For investors, there is some super beachfront land for sale now, where others have "flipped" with a nice return. While without improvements, average lots might take 3-4 years to see a return, a well-chosen improved property can see good return in a shorter period of time.
Due to the fact that the cost per square meter is well below what it was 3 years ago for large parcels, developers have a great opportunity now. For those who have some time, now is better than ever to:
- Buy low
- Complete required paper work process
- "Blend in" affordable homes until the economy turns back
Puerto Penasco land is cheap now; this means that buyers can take advantage of the situation to own the home of their dreams in the future for less than it would it would normally cost. Investors who can hold on their land until the economy turns around will also see good results.