2 Bedroom Condo With Magnificent Style

Starting at $ 334,932 USD - $ 5,700,000 MXN The price is set in pesos. Final price in USD may vary due to exchange rates.
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Ample condo in a high growth area.

Invest in this exclusive unique, exclusive and luxurious development, with just 33 apartments, and with great amenities.

Enjoy this magic condo with a living room, kitchen, island, 2 bathrooms, 2 lock-off bedrooms, closets, home office, gallery, exterior living room, and pool.
Be part on this magnificent development, with amenities such as a beach pool, infinity sky pool, beach lounge, solarium, tipi bed, sky sunbed, atrium, lounge room, co-working space, sunset firepit, spa, zoom cabins, gym, bridge, lobby, elevator, free wifi, parking and security.
Only 4 minutes to the beach from Kukulkan avenue, the new road, and around 10 minutes to Tulum downtown, surrounded by all the services and with ample green areas.
Live in the Mayan Caribbean in this beautiful town, with white sand beaches, pristine cenotes and an archeological Mayan zone.
Contact us, we can help you with more info about this 2-bedroom condo in Region 15.

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The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.

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Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo, Mexico

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