Tulum Jungle, Tulum, Mexico - MLS: 11864
$108,000 USD
Tulum Jungle, , Mexico
MLS: TUL-SFL0-11864
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Located in a privileged area for its beautiful and delicate aquifers, vibrant green jungles; it has timid and extraordinary animals, surrounded by ancient culture found in Kuyabeh. This self-sustaining ecological community is located on the Tulum-Coba, highway is precisely 34 kilometers between the two ruins, considered the most beautiful in the Yucatan Peninsula.
Our goal in creating this responsibly ecological community is to care for and preserve our Mexican heritage, leave a legacy for future generations while preserving the forest and ancestral people, the Maya. We have created a foundation to benefit the local population and the surrounding area. Our first phase Balam (jaguar in Mayan) has breathtaking common areas: 20 hectares of jungle / park, hiking and / or cycle tracks, natural terraces, interactive workshops, and culture areas fertilizer, observation tower wildlife, palapa and our beautiful cenote among many more amenities. There will be enough activities to do in our community and surroundings. permeable streets, alternative energy, natural / organic crops, our holistic meditation and yoga area using local and natural materials for the construction of housing Kuyabeh make a home not only dream but a project
The Mayan jungle extends throughout Tulum, and some residents are taking advantage of the low costs of land, to build their houses surrounded by nature. Tulum is an area that developed in ejido lands, where the main activity was the exploitation of precious woods and extraction of natural chewing gum. The Yucatan Peninsula is one of the best areas in the world to practice bird watching, which can be done from the comfort of your home. The jungle is also home of exotic animals such as the spider monkey, deer and jaguar. Living in the Mayan jungle is ideal for those who want a personal sanctuary, surrounded by the serenity and beauty of the jungle. This area is full of beautiful cenotes, natural pools that can be used in the hot summer days.
Max:$ 550,000 USD
Average:$ 288,434 USD
Min:$ 30,038 USD
Max:6479.87 Sqft
Average:2494.97 Sqft
Min:1456.14 Sqft
Max:$ 232 USD
Average:$ 100 USD
Min:$ 7 USD
Max:$ 3,450,000 USD
Average:$ 316,435 USD
Max:54621.95 Sqft
Average:1655.70 Sqft
Min:306.45 Sqft
Max:$ 833 USD
Average:$ 221 USD
singlefam lot $86,116 USD
singlefam lot $87,437 USD
singlefam lot $90,051 USD
singlefam lot $104,533 USD
condo $82,309 USD
condo $82,749 USD
condo $83,813 USD
condo $87,432 USD
condo $89,361 USD
condo $89,817 USD
The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.
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