Tulum Downtown, Tulum, Mexico - MLS: 20282
$68,007 USD - 1,400,000 MXN
The price is set in pesos. Final price in USD may vary due to exchange rates.
Tulum Downtown, , Mexico
MLS: TUL-SFL0-20282
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This residential lot has a H2 density, with water and electricity services included, it is located very close to the town of Tulum where shops, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, handicrafts, and some other sites of interest.
This is the ideal opportunity for those looking for a return your investment in the short term. With these lots it is possible to build studios or cozy condos for holiday rentals in addition to being a rapidly growing area in Tulum which gives a high added surplus value to the area. This lot has an area of 2475.70 sqf. and are of H2 density. The time is now to invest in this magical destination full of attractions for anyone who wants to live a new life in the Tulum style. Ask for availability and prices with one of our expert agents, and we will gladly answer your questions. We make it happen!
Tulum downtown is an up-and-coming neighborhood where all the fun happens! This area attracts both locals and tourists as it hosts numerous restaurants, shops, ice cream shops, cafés, and bars. Downtown Tulum is one of the most attractive neighborhoods due to its excellent real estate offer and high capital gains. The area offers studios and one-bedroom condos to large villas and modern homes for sale. Everything is within walking distance, which makes it even more attractive!
Max:$ 949,000 USD
Average:$ 252,589 USD
Min:$ 83,000 USD
Max:3636.91 Sqft
Average:1184.26 Sqft
Min:340.03 Sqft
Max:$ 833 USD
Average:$ 235 USD
Min:$ 69 USD
Max:$ 3,450,000 USD
Average:$ 316,435 USD
Min:$ 30,038 USD
Max:54621.95 Sqft
Average:1655.70 Sqft
Min:306.45 Sqft
Average:$ 221 USD
Min:$ 7 USD
singlefam lot $52,881 USD
singlefam lot $56,869 USD
singlefam lot $58,301 USD
singlefam lot $59,044 USD
singlefam lot $63,149 USD
singlefam lot $68,007 USD
singlefam lot $80,782 USD
condo $82,309 USD
The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.
The prices, logos, designs, texts, images, name designations, are the responsibility of the seller. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
TOPMexicoRealEstate will not share your personal information with anyone, and specially, we will not spam you. Read our (Privacy Policy).