1-bedroom Condo With Amenities In Mérida

Starting at $ 143,687 USD - $ 2,700,000 MXN The price is set in pesos. Final price in USD may vary due to exchange rates.
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Discover the Mexican Caribbean from your condo

This condo in northern Mérida, Yucatán, is the ideal place for those seeking a life filled with comfort, culture, history, and beautiful landscapes. Don\'t miss the opportunity to be part of this unique experience.

This condo is perfect for those seeking a modern and sophisticated lifestyle. With a spacious and cozy bedroom, an elegant bathroom, and its own parking space, it provides everything you need to live comfortably. Moreover, its panoramic views from the heights will allow you to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and an unmatched perspective of the city.
One of the standout features of this condo is the luxury amenities offered by the tower. You will find a fully equipped gym, ideal for staying fit and active. Additionally, an exclusive rooftop bar and terrace will provide you with an ideal space to relax and socialize with friends and neighbors while enjoying the fresh breeze. Of course, we must not forget to mention the stunning swimming pool, where you can plunge in and refresh on hot days.
Security is a priority in this condo, which is why a CCTV surveillance system has been installed to ensure your tranquility and privacy. You can rest assured knowing that your home is protected 24 hours a day.
Yucatán has the privilege of having the turquoise and warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. Just minutes away, you can enjoy paradisiacal beaches, world-class diving, and a wide range of water activities that will allow you to connect with nature and relax in an incomparable tropical setting.
Last but not least, the low cost of living in Mérida is a significant advantage. Compared to other popular tourist destinations, Mérida offers excellent value for money in terms of housing, food, and entertainment. You can enjoy an exceptional quality of life without compromising your budget.


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The price of this property is in US Dollars, the exchange rate may vary.

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