“Go Big or Go Home!â€
“Big Time.â€
“Live Big.â€
“Shoot for the stars and you might hit the fenceâ€
These are just some of the very familiar slogans people use to motivate, steer and influence ourselves and others to reach where others think it is impossible to grasp.
Yet many people use, and even abuse it, inappropriately.
Playing ones unique and special personalities “big†can be a challenging and misunderstood proposition. Just because you “play“ your personality big in no way suggests that you should “clobber†or “stand†on another’s. The concept of “playing big†should come through the respect, not cost, of others.
It is meant to help another step up, not step on, another’s individual presence. The hand that is lent is meant to help another up, not push another down.
Stand tall, not on; and others will follow
This is the mantra of the Caribbean, this the community in which you can live.
What is more big, and ultimately satisfying, then shedding the constraints of overcrowded cities, a hurried pace and “zero†relaxation than finding it in the beautiful, constraint-free and mystical paradise of the Mayan Riviera
If you are haunted, and driven, by phrases and slogan like this, then the Riviera Maya is the place for you the satisfy and exercise them.
From the cozy, hometown city block feel of Valle Bambu to the lofty to tropic Caribbean vibe of AWA, you can certainly put those desires to the test.
Now I leave you with one of my absolute favorite sayings about “playing bigâ€.
If you agree, I’m sure I’ll see you here in the Riviera Maya very soon…
“Nothing is gained by playing small. No amazing feats have ever been accomplished; no trails have ever been blazed by playing small. Because when you play big (the person who we are) we unconsciously give others around us permission to do the same.â€
And if not, please… find your own BIG!
Life is far too short.
Now if you would like information on any of these life changing concepts, ideas and locations please don’t hesitate to contact any our TOP Expert Team Members here at TOP Mexico Real Estate.
And remember, here at TOP Mexico Real Estate…
We make it happen!