But, there are always two sides to every story. Here are some excerpts from a piece from International Living, offering some ideas on businesses that expats could realistically consider opening in Mexico:
Start a B&B in Mexico
When you look for that new home in Mexico, think big…for instance, a home big enough to house a few extra guests. The kind that pay. Move to a destination that tourists want to visit, of course—but in Mexico your options range from modern beach towns to centuries-old colonial cities. …
Fill a local market niche
The next time you visit a Mexican city and think, “This place is beautiful, but it could sure use X,” write down that thought. You’ll need to follow it up with solid research, but you may have just identified a local market need. …
Open businesses in Mexico to serve other expats
Your fellow expats can be an ideal target market. Offer services that make their lives easier or help them adapt to Mexican life. We’ve seen expats start relocation companies, for instance. …
Work as a freelance consultant
If you don’t have deep pockets for setting up a business, a one-man or -woman consulting practice can be an inexpensive way to start. …
(Read the whole thing here.)
So, as we saw yesterday, it’s not for everyone. But on the other hand, there definitely are a lot of opportunities to consider.
-by Thomas Lloyd
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