Most people have heard of enchiladas. However, fewer people know about the variation of this dish on the Yucatan Peninsula called papadzules.
Even people who have arrived to the better known tourist centers like Cancun or Playa may not know about these since these places tend to be dominated by a variety of Mexican food from throughout the country as well as international. In the rest of the Yucatan Peninsula they are common every day food, so anyone who’s been to Merida, Valladolid or Campeche is more likely to have seen or tried them.
Like enchiladas, they are made with rolled up tortillas. Instead of chicken inside, they have hard boiled eggs. On top, they have a green sauce made out of pumpkin seeds. There may be a bit of tomato sauce as well, and some additional hard-boiled eggs.
The flavor is mild and pleasant, and it’s unlikely that they will “take getting getting used to.” For me, they’re not among my favorites, but they’re definitely a nice change when we go out on a road trip to the more distinctly Mayan regions of Yucatan.
If you get the chance to try them, you should feel privileged; apparently the name originally meant something like “food of the lords.”
– Bea Lozano; Mexico’s Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely