Small Town Values in the Riviera Maya Are Still Alive…For Now!

After living in the Riviera Maya for quite some time now, I have made a clear observation about the value of hard work and the appreciation for small business in the area.

I remember a time when….

Coming from the United States, I remember a time when you can still go to a local family owned hardware store.  I remember family owned video rental stores and small movie theaters where you can enter for 2 dollars.

But over time the Home Depots, Walmarts and Redbox’s of the world came wiping out family owned business. And in some cases, like Redbox (a vending machine for DVD rentals) which are eliminating the need for stores and employees all together.

Small Business is Still Strong in Mexico

What I always thought was wonderful about Mexico is that these small family run businesses are still alive bringing a little bit of that wholesome feeling back to your heart.  You build relationships with store owners who have been their running businesses for years.  It is always nice to know when someone knows your name and you know theirs!

While we welcome some conveniences or “one stop shopping” so to speak, there is still charm and value in small business in the Riviera Maya.  Most times they offer a service above the rest with integrity, honesty and hard work. They offer a personal experience; one that is appreciated and missed on many levels in the United States.

Unfortunately our children might never know what that is like.  But here in Mexico there is still a chance to learn those old small town values.

In Mexico hard work is valued

One thing that is true about Mexico is there is a genuine value for hard work!  Lazy is not often found here, even in this beautiful beach paradise where life tends to be a little more laid back.

And additionally, I believe that sometimes people even work without certain technologies and conveniences, not because they do not exist, but because many of those technologies may eliminate the need for certain jobs, which are needed to support families, pay rent and buy food.

Some people believe that Mexico is a country without technology or enhancements.  That is quite the contrary actually. You can find all the same modern technologies as in the United States.  But I think the use of those things really comes down to actual necessity and values combined.

Will we slowly start to see small business in the Riviera Maya area disappear?

However, as demand for American convenience is growing in the Riviera Maya, due increased relocation and tourism form Americans and Canadians, large chains are slowly moving in.  Ironically, the very same Americans who crave these convenience are also a bit sad about the loss of small town charm that seems to be very slowly slipping away.

Will all this change and movement create the same purge of small business that we have seen sweep the United States?  We hope not, and we still have faith that the Mexican culture and values will remain solid to stimulate the local economy in the Riviera Maya region.

Check out our free EBook for more information on the best benefits of living in Mexico!

#ThrowbackThursday Happy Halloween!

Halloween is always that time of the year to be silly, so it doesn’t matter where you are and who you are with, put your best costume on, be silly and have fun!

By the way, we want to invite you to join us today, we will be hitting 5th Avenue and will be handing out candy! Just spot a bunch of Catrinas and a couple of dogs with the TOP Mexico Real Estate Logo, have fun and be silly with us too!

 Mexico Real Estate e-book