John de Rotaeche,  Broker By John de Rotaeche

When you decide to buy Cancun real estate, one of the decisions you’ll have to make is whether you will be buying a Cancun condo for sale or a Cancun home for sale.  Several very clear factors and differences usually make the choice straight forward, yet it is worth considering early on in the search process.  The following is a brief overview of each.

Condos for sale in Cancun

Condos are the most common and generally speaking the favorite property type.  Most condos are along the beachfront area known as the “Hotel Zone,” which is separated from the downtown area by a large lagoon, and connected to it at either end.  One end offers direct access to Cancun’s International Airport, a very well connected airport with excellent prices on direct flights throughout North America. 

Many of the condos are high-rises, offering not only splendid views of the beaches and the turquoise Caribbean Sea, but also lower prices than areas that restrict the height of buildings.  In the same area, there are also very nice town-house style complexes and low-rise buildings for those who prefer this style.  In most cases, amenities like an onsite pool, lounge area and even perhaps a gym and spa.

There are also condos available in the downtown area, which offer distinct benefits of their own; these benefits tend to be similar to those of homes.

Homes for sale in Cancun

While there are homes along the beachfront, these tend to be very pricy.  There are a few areas with well-priced homes very close to the beach, but generally those buying homes will be looking at the downtown area.

Cancun’s downtown offer’s a comfortable, walk-everywhere lifestyle with close access to shopping malls, movie theaters, supermarkets, local fruit and vegetable markets, sidewalk cafes and much more; as the main center of Latin America’s most successful tourist region, Americans and Canadians will find just about any service they need very close by.

The beach is usually about a 10-15 minute drive away, and taxis are very affordable ($3-4 per trip) for anyone who prefers a car-free lifestyle.

Homes are often well-priced and there are also fixer-uppers available for those who are looking for further savings and enjoy a renovation project.

As you can see, condos and homes in Cancun generally hold a fairly distinct lifestyle appeal.  Knowing which lifestyle you prefer will allow you to make your choice early on and carry out your search accordingly.; Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely

Mexico Real Estate NETWORK; "Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely!"


Region: Cancun real estate. John DeRotache, originally from Saint Louis MO., he has been living in Cancun, Mexico for over 16 years. John completed his University studies at St. Louis University in Missouri and their Campus in Madrid, Spain. With a diploma in real estate from a top Mexico University, John comes well prepared to find and help you with your Mexico real estate needs. Contact John at (512) 879-6546.

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